The Antiviral Properties of Manuka Honey: Fighting the Flu and Colds

Manuka honey has a strong, earthy aroma and flavour that are native to Australia and New Zealand. It is known for its antibacterial properties, and it has been shown to be effective against a variety of bacteria, including those that are resistant to antibiotics. Manuka honey is also thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

What Makes Manuka Honey’s Methylglyoxal (MGO) so Special?

Manuka honey is distinct from regular honey due to the presence of a unique compound called methylglyoxal (MGO). It is a byproduct of several metabolic pathways in living organisms, including glycolysis (a natural metabolic process that breaks down sugar), and is naturally present in Manuka honey. The higher the MGO level in Manuka honey, the more powerful its antibacterial and antiviral properties. To learn more about the strength of Manuka honey, see here.

How Manuka Honey Fights Viruses Effectively

Manuka honey combats viruses like the flu and common cold in several ways:

1. Strengthening the immune system: Manuka honey is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help bolster the immune system. A strong immune system is essential for warding off viruses and preventing illness.

2. Preventing viral replication: Studies have shown that Manuka honey can inhibit the replication of certain viruses, including the flu virus. By stopping the virus from multiplying, the body has a better chance of fighting the infection and recovering more quickly.

3. Alleviating sore throats and coughs: Manuka honey has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe a sore throat and reduce coughing. It can also help thin mucus, making it easier to expel and clear away.

4. Reducing inflammation: The antioxidants in Manuka honey can help decrease inflammation in the body, which is often caused by viral infections like the flu and colds. Lowering inflammation can help relieve symptoms and speed up recovery.

5. MRSA virus that is immune to antibiotics has shown a sign that Manuka honey can attack the virus, causing viruses such as SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, Influenza and other infectious viruses.

Using Manuka Honey for Colds and Flu

To benefit from the antiviral properties of Manuka honey, it is recommended to choose Manuka honey with MGO 514+,UMF or NPA 15+ rating. These ratings ensure that you are obtaining the maximum antiviral benefits. You can try the following:

Consume it directly: Take a teaspoon of MGO 514+,UMF or NPA 15+ rating Manuka honey 2-3 times a day when you are feeling unwell. You can either eat it straight from the spoon or mix it with warm water to make a soothing drink.

Add it to your tea: Mix a teaspoon of MGO 514+ or UMF/NPA 15+ Manuka honey into your favourite herbal tea, such as lemon or ginger tea. This can help soothe a sore throat and boost your immune system.

By choosing a Manuka honey with a high MGO or UMF/NPA rating, you can ensure that you are getting the most effective antiviral properties to help fight colds and flu.

Australian and New Zealand Manuka honey with MGO 514+ or UMF/NPA 15+ serves as a powerful natural remedy for fighting colds and flu. Its unique antiviral properties help to strengthen your immune system, inhibit viral replication, and soothe the symptoms associated with illness. By incorporating high-quality Manuka honey into your daily routine, you can maintain good health and protect yourself from viruses during cold and flu season.

Precautions and Potential Side Effects

While Manuka honey is generally safe for most people, there are a few precautions to consider:

  • Do not give honey to children under one year of age, as it may contain bacteria that can cause infant botulism.
  • If you have a known allergy to honey or bees, avoid using Manuka honey.
  • Diabetics should be cautious about the manuka honey they take, always ensure the product is genuine and consult your medical consult your healthcare professional if they are unsure.

In conclusion, Australian and New Zealand Manuka honey serves as a powerful natural remedy for fighting colds and flu. Its unique antiviral properties help to strengthen your immune system, inhibit viral replication, and soothe the symptoms associated with illness. By incorporating Manuka honey into your daily routine, you can maintain good health and protect yourself from viruses during cold and flu season.


“Anti-influenza viral effects of honey in vitro: potent high activity of manuka honey.” PubMed,

3-Phenyllactic Acid and Polyphenols Are Substances Enhancing the Antibacterial Effect of Methylglyoxal in Manuka Honey –

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